Here’s a story from Hindu Mythology that I find really fascinating. I have known this story all along (since I was a kid), but only recently did I realize the deeper meaning behind it. So here’s the story: Lord Shiv..
Category: Conscious Awakening
Lessons You Can Learn From the Lotus Leaf (About Beliefs)
Take a look at the lotus leaf. It floats on water. It is surrounded by water. It even has droplets of water on its surface. But it is still untouched by water. The lotus leaf has a coating that acts..
Difference Between ‘Being Conscious’ and ‘Realizing Your Consciousness’
For the sake of clarity, the words ‘Awareness’, ‘Consciousness’ and ‘Attention’ all mean the same thing. I use these terms interchangeably in this article. There are some who might claim that ‘attention’ and ‘awareness/consciousness’ are two separate aspects of the..
Eliminate Social Anxiety By Becoming Aware Of Thought Patterns and Associated Emotions
Social anxiety happens when we become ‘self conscious’ in social situations. So what does being ‘self conscious’ mean? Contrary to what the word ‘self conscious’ seems to imply, it has nothing to do with having a high level of consciousness…
Powerful Meditation Technique To Train Your Attention
Imagine riding a horse without reins or blinders. Without the reins, you pretty much have no control over the horse. You go where the horse takes you. Your motion will be highly zig zag as the horse gets distracted by..
What Exactly Is A Spiritual Awakening? (Based on science)
There is a lot of mumbo jumbo surrounding the term ‘spiritual awakening’. Let’s trash all the woo woo stuff and learn exactly what it is from a scientific perspective. To start with, there is nothing spiritual about a spiritual awakening…
Every Belief is Like a Little Entity (The Truth About Subconscious Beliefs)
Every single belief that you hold in your mind is like a little entity. And just like an entity wishes to survive, every belief wishes to survive. From a scientific perspective, a belief is a neural network (a collection of..
Becoming Conscious of Your Attention (True Awakening)
The mind can essentially be divided into two – the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is nothing but a collection of ‘automated programs’. This includes your ego construct, your self beliefs, thought patterns, habits etc. The..
Your Attention Is Powerful, Here’s How to Take Control Of It
There is an element that is central to all contemplative practices, be it meditation, mindfulness, awareness or self realization. Do you know what that element is? That element is ‘your attention’. Any spiritual practice that involves working with your mind,..